Monday, April 22, 2013

Choice of Recommended Links-Books/Genre

I'll be following Goodreads since I'm already using this in my Library and Literature for the Young Adult course at Clarion. I'm familiar with the layout and navigation and I enjoy reading others' recommendations for adult fiction. I'll be following Stop You're Killing Me because it sounds like fun learning about different mystery writers. I do not get a chance while I'm in school to read for "leisure" so these sites are great resources for me in terms of readers' advisory.  I love mystery and hopefully I can find a few good mysteries for when my class ENDS:)  April Fell


  1. It's great to be able to "double-dip" and use Goodreads for more than one purpose. Since you're already a mystery reader, do you think you'll gain knowledge of writers you were unaware of? Are a lot of your customers mystery readers?

  2. Paula, Sorry I did not respond sooner. It took me a moment in time to figure this out:) Anyway, I think I'm going to love Stop You're Killing Me. I picked out a book, The Anatomy of Death by Felicity Young from their picks and ordered it. We don't get many mystery writers here at NO, mostly romance and fiction. There are a few who come in looking for mystery so I'll have to brush up on my skills for them.
